Sunday, August 18, 2013

How Our Surrogates Talk to Their Children About Their Pregnancies

WE LOVE OUR SURROGATE MOTHERS!  They are the most caring, interesting, and giving women in the world.  We asked this wonderful group on our Facebook page to share with us how they tell their own children about their surrogate pregnancies.  Read these terrific responses and you will love them, too!
A gathering of surrogate mothers and our Director, Amy Kaplan

  •  I explained to my 8&5yr old kids that a mommy's tummy wasn't able to grow a baby, so the doctors were going to combine their "ingredients" to grow a baby and then put that teeny baby in my tummy for me to grow for them. They're reaction: "it's like a really great Christmas gift!" They always had a very clear understanding that the baby I was carrying was not ours.

  •  I gave my 9 year old a pretty realistic but age appropriate breakdown of the IVF process and explained that I was going to help someone else have a baby and in no way would it be ours or related to us. For my 2 year old, I found a really great book called "The Kangaroo Pouch" that has helped a lot. They are both clear who these babies belong to and get excited to see the intended parents.
  •  My kids understood that I was helping another mommy who's tummy was "broken".
  • Our 12 & 14 year old understood without much explaining that after a quick procedure that an embryo that was not ours and had been grown in a science way were going in my uterus to grow. The 3 year old was told we were going to grow a baby for our friends. He loved the experience and is already asking when I will grow another baby for a family that can't have one on their own.

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