Way to go Apple and Facebook... for setting such a good example and paving the way for large companies to follow suit and acknowledge the growing need for fertility preservation. It has become increasingly common for women of childbearing age delaying their family building to launch or further their careers!!
Silicon Valley is known for offering incredible job perks, but the latest moves by Apple and Facebook could help the companies attract more female employees.
Apple offers egg freezing for female employees up to $20,000. The company also offers adoption and surrogacy assistance and "a host of other fertility services for male and female employees," the company said via email.
Facebook also offers egg freezing for its female employees, the company told NBC News.
A typical egg freezing round costs about $10,000, with a $500 or more fee each year for storage.
The coverage by Apple and Facebook is part of a growing trend to beef up employee perks at Silicon Valley companies to recruit new hires.
As the AP pointed out last year, tech companies are expanding their office campuses to offer multiple employee perks. For example, Google boasts on-campus child care, nap pods, a bowling alley and a shared community garden.
The idea is that by removing and fertilizing their eggs in their 20s, women will have a better chance of getting pregnant in their 30s and 40s.
Reproductively speaking, a woman's best chance at a healthy pregnancy that results in a healthy baby is in her 20s.
This is because the viability of a woman's eggs declines over time. Fertility gradually declines in the 30s and drastically beginning around age 35, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
By freezing eggs in her 20s, a woman has access to younger, more viable eggs should she choose to delay child-bearing until her late 30s or 40s.
The technology used to freeze human eggs has become ...
Read the full story here: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/10/14/apple-facebook-eggs/17240953/
West Coast Surrogacy, Inc. and West Coast Egg Donation Inc. is an all-inclusive surrogate and egg donation agency located in Southern California. Working with couples; singles, surrogates and egg donors nationwide, WCS / WCED uses a team-oriented approach that encompasses the highest level of integrity, support, and compassion. It is our pledge to guide you through every step of this life-changing process, acting as both a resource for information and an unparalleled support system.
To find out more about our egg donation and surrogacy services, please visit us on the web at: http://www.westcoastsurrogacy.com and http://westcoasteggdonation.com or call us at (toll free) 877.492.7411
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