Thursday, November 13, 2014


West Coast Surrogacy and West Coast Egg Donation will be joining Dr. Sean Daneshmand and his friends, volunteering at the Kiva Center Thanksgiving lunch on Sunday November 23, 2014!  

The amazing Dr. Sean Daneshmand gives back again!

Dr. Sean Daneshmand of Miracle Babies is taking time out from helping families with critically ill newborns to organize, prepare and serve a Thanksgiving dinner to the women of the Kiva recovery program at the McAlister Institute. — John Gastaldo

"With the help of friends, family and volunteers (including local Food Network star Marcela Valladolid), Dr. Daneshmand is giving the women of Kiva Center a Thanksgiving lunch."

For information on donating to the Kiva Center Thanksgiving lunch, call the Miracle Babies office at (858) 633-8540.

Miracle Babies founder brings comfort to rehab

By Karla Peterson5:44 P.M.NOV. 10, 2014

As an obstetrician specializing in high-risk pregnancies, Dr. Sean Daneshmand knows all about the fragile miracle of life. But it took him awhile to discover the magic of making life count. As far as he’s concerned, he is still making up for lost time.

“For me, my work was initially a job. I loved my patients, but I didn’t know what my purpose was,” said the 45-year-old doctor, who works at the San Diego Perinatal Center and Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns. “But seeing a woman who has had a baby with a major heart defect, and seeing how this family comes together to make sure this baby has a chance at a healthy life, that changed me. This dumb little man was suddenly blown away by people.”

The first product of Daneshmand’s epiphany was Miracle Babies. This nonprofit organization, which Daneshmand founded five years ago, gives families the emotional and financial support they need to deal with the demands of having a child in the neonatal intensive care unit. In 2010, CNN recognized Daneshmand and Miracle Babies by naming the doctor a CNN Hero.

Daneshmand’s daughter, Natalie (now 9½), was born six weeks early, so he had a pretty good idea about what those demands were. His next effort was aimed at helping women have the best pregnancies possible. So Miracle Babies partnered with the YMCA for “Healthy Women, Healthy Children,” a health and nutrition program for women who are likely to have at-risk pregnancies.

Daneshmand’s latest project is the Kiva Learning Center, a long-term residential drug- and alcohol-addiction treatment program run by San Diego’s McAlister Institute. The Kiva program is for women, with or without children, who are trying to kick their addictions and better their lives. On Nov. 23, Daneshmand will honor them with turkey and TLC.

Read the full story here...

Please join West Coast Surrogacy and West Coast Egg Donation in volunteering for such an amazing cause! 

West Coast Surrogacy (WCS) and West Coast Egg Donation Inc. (WCED) is an all-inclusive surrogate and egg donation agency located in Southern California. Working with intended parent(s) both straight and gay together with gestational surrogates and egg donors nationwide, WCS & WCED uses a team-oriented approach that encompasses the highest level of integrity, support, and compassion. It is our pledge to guide you through every step of this life-changing process, acting as both a resource for information and an unparalleled support system.

To find out more about our surrogate mother and egg donor programs,  please call us (toll free) 877.492.7411. visit us on the web at and

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an amazing gesture of giving back to the community!! Dr. Daneshmand, you are not only an amazingly skilled doctor, but an awesome human being as well!!