Wednesday, November 20, 2013

GIVING THANKS: A Grateful Surrogate Mother

On the funny, clever and insightful blog, A MOM WITH A LESSON PLAN, the mommy blogger and surrogate shares why she is a grateful surrogate today, and always.  Here are a few of the highlights but I encourage you to read the entire post:

Image courtesy of A MOM WITH A LESSON PLAN

~ I’m grateful for the missed epidural. I didn’t need it but was afraid to not ask for it. Because the delivery was so quick the choice was taken away from me.  I can now say I’ve done a natural delivery with no pain meds at all. (Flexing superwoman muscles… hee hee).
~ I’m grateful for my mom’s encouraging voice in my ear as I focused on each contraction.
~ I’m grateful for the super quick delivery. Only 2 1/2 hours of serious contractions.
~ I’m grateful for the happy tears I saw when the new Mom laid eyes on the baby she’s dreamed about for so, so long.
~I’m grateful for the two parents who clung to each other while they watched their big boy be weighed and measured. (8.11 lbs and 19 inches)

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